Love Grows in Lynn Valley
Thank you everyone in our community for your continued and powerful support. This online tribute preserves and documents the outpouring of love and strength from our community.
Here, we share inspiring photographs from floral tributes and community art pieces and installations. We invite you to show your support for Lynn Valley, in pictures or words.
March 2022: A Time for Love and Support
In response to the community’s requests for a permanent space for remembrance and reflection, a memorial bench and flowering dogwood tree has been installed in the plaza. The dogwood tree, which is planted in composted material from the floral tributes left at the plaza, was carefully chosen as it represents hope, resilience, and strength. Members of the community are encouraged to visit the space and spend a moment in contemplation. Library staff will once again have sidewalk chalk and post-it hearts available to enable people to share messages of love, hope and support.
July 2021: Love Takes Over Lynn Valley Library
The Lynn Valley Love Project is a collaborative community art installation designed by local quilt designer and community project organizer Berene Campbell, with support from North Vancouver District Public Library and North Vancouver Recreation and Culture. Community members participated in two creative projects: a giant LOVE X-stitch created by hundreds of people and the Stairwell of Love, 68 banners made by quilters from across the country.

A number of other community-engaged art initiatives and donated artwork were also on display at the library, including a Kindness Quilt from staff and students at Upper Lynn Valley Elementary, Love Conquers All artwork with the United Way, a painting by Diana Coop and quilt made by Barb Craxton.

Latest News (May 11): Lynn Valley LOVE: A Community Healing Project
You are invited to help spread the LOVE as our community continues its healing in the wake of the tragic attack on March 27, 2021.
Artist Berene Campbell, from Happy Sew Lucky, has helped support community members heal and overcome tragedies that occurred in Boston and Toronto. Berene, who lives in North Vancouver, hopes the calming and healing effects of stitching by hand can help uplift our spirits and bring light to a place where a dark event occurred.
There are two ways to participate in this project depending on your skill level. Learn more.

News (May 5): Memorial planters at Lynn Valley Village Plaza
You will now notice two new beautiful planter boxes installed at Lynn Valley Plaza that are filled with plants and mementoes from the memorial tribute outside the library.
Parks staff are collecting other flowers to preserve for compost that could be used in a future memorial garden. In addition, partner staff groups are working to digitally preserve the many cards, artwork and photos left at the memorial.
The memorial planter boxes, custom-built by our Parks carpenters, will remain in the plaza during the summer months. We are now talking to our community partners about longer-term options for a permanent memorial display. Look for an update shortly.
Our photo memorial
These powerful images and messages of hope and healing reflect the compassion and resiliency our community has shown while rallying together to support the victims, their families and friends, those who were witnesses, first responders and all others affected by this tragic event.
Photos by Sarah Jane Photography